The Mission of the Boone County Conservation District (BCCDKY) is to promote the protection and wise use of natural resources through education and service to the citizens of Boone County, Kentucky.
What are Conservation Districts?
Conservation Districts are the primary entities to provide assistance to private landowners and land users in the conservation, sustainment, improvement, and enhancement of Kentucky's natural resources. They are catalysts for coordinating and implementing conservation programs, channeling expertise from all levels of government and the community into action at the local level. Programs are non-regulatory, science-based technical assistance, incentive-based financial programs, and informational and educational programs.

Conserving Boone County's Natural Resources
Boone County is home to fertile soil, hardwood forests, flowing streams, and natural habitat for a variety of wildlife. At BCCDKY, we work to protect these natural resources for the health of the civic and natural communities for generations to come. As a resource to landowners, farmers, educators, businesses, community groups, and more, we provide technical and financial assistance, educational programming, and informational workshops, to maintain and improve the quality and productivity of our environmental surroundings.