Sanitation District No. 1 (SD1)
USGS Gage Stations
Northern Kentucky Gage Stations
Through a cooperative with USGS, SD1 helps maintain 13 gage stations within Northern Kentucky. These stations collect data on stream level (gage), discharge (volume of water), and precipitation (rain) every 15 minutes. In addition, some stations will also collect water quality parameters, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Specific Conductance (ions in water), Turbidity (suspended sediment), and temperature. All this data is then uploaded and can be seen in real time on the USGS website.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Rapid Biological Assessment
Rapid Biological Assessment –A practical technical reference for conducting cost-effective biological assessments of lotic systems. A framework to design your own protocols that incorporate regional modifications.
Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW)
Protocols & Techniques for Collection
Macrinvertebrate Index
Kentucky’s water regulatory agency. It’s mission: manage, protect and enhance the quality and quantity of the Commonwealth's water resources for present and future generations through voluntary, regulatory and educational programs.
Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO)
Programs Page
Agency established on June 30, 1948 to control and abate pollution in the Ohio River Basin.